Trendeki Yabancılar - Strangers on a Train Filmini izle
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Trendeki Yabancılar - Strangers on a Train Filmini izle
#TrendekiYabancilar #StrangersonaTrain #Komedi #Film #Filmizle #Diziizle #izle #Fullizle #sinema
I just watched Strangers on a Train (Alfred Hitchcock, 1951) and rated it 6/10 ~ #films #cinema #cinemastodon #StrangersOnATrain #AlfredHitchcock #FarleyGranger #RobertWalker
Television has done much for psychiatry by spreading information about it, as well as contributing to the need for it.
-Alfred Hitchcock-
The face of evil: Bruno Antony (Robert Walker) in Alfred Hitchcock’s Strangers on a Train (1951). The screenplay was co-written by Raymond Chandler. #strangersonatrain #alfredhitchcock #hitchcock #movies #films
Just saw STRANGERS ON A TRAIN (1951) on 35mm at the Paris Theater in NYC.
There’s nothing better than Hitchcock on the big screen w/ a responsive crowd!
‘STRANGERS ON A TRAIN’: A HITCHCOCK MURDER MYSTERY. #AlfredHitchcock #Hitchcock #StrangersonaTrain #Movies #Mystery #MysteryMovie #ClassicCinema #ClassicMovies #ClassicMovie
Cross-cross gonna make you JUMP!
#ILikeToWatch #StrangersOnATrain
New from Solzy at the Movies: Strangers on a Train: Another Thrilling Hitchcock Classic
Patricia Highsmith (blood-red ink on paper)
Today’s LGBTQ+ hero is author Patricia Highsmith (1921-95). A problematic human being, but a superb writer of thrillers featuring sexually ambivalent antiheroes: Strangers of a Train, The Talented Mr Ripley and many others. She was always remarkably open about her sexuality. “The only difference between us and heterosexuals is what we do in bed.”
#43 of 2023
Various background artists
Directed by Alfred Hitchcock
Cinematography by Robert Burks
Robert Walker as Bruno Antony
Directed by Alfred Hitchcock
Cinematography by Robert Burks
Robert Walker as Bruno Antony
Directed by Alfred Hitchcock
Cinematography by Robert Burks
Robert Walker as Bruno Antony
Directed by Alfred Hitchcock
Cinematography by Robert Burks
Robert Walker as Bruno Antony
Various background artists
Directed by Alfred Hitchcock
Cinematography by Robert Burks
Robert Walker as Bruno Antony
Various background artists
Directed by Alfred Hitchcock
Cinematography by Robert Burks
Robert Walker as Bruno Antony
Directed by Alfred Hitchcock
Cinematography by Robert Burks