At the very end of August 1879, Robert Louis Stevenson arrived sick, exhausted, & almost penniless in California. We may well owe the existence of much of Stevenson’s work to the kindly (not to say life-saving) intervention of two Californian goat-ranchers …
#Scottish #literature #RobertLouisStevenson #19thCentury #Monterey #California
“The one common note of all this country is the haunting presence of the ocean. A great faint sound of breakers follows you high up into the inland cañons; the roar of water dwells in the clean, empty rooms of Monterey as in a shell upon the chimney; go where you will, you have but to pause and listen to hear the voice of the Pacific.”
—Robert Louis Stevenson, “The Old Pacific Capital”, via @gutenberg_org
#Scottish #literature #RobertLouisStevenson #Monterey