Interestingly my father was a Benjamin Franklin aficionado.

Interestingly my father was a Benjamin Franklin aficionado.
A distant Derby cousin and I recently got our Big Y-700 results back. I'm hoping other cousins from the last few centuries to millennium will test too to refine the results, but for now – behold our haplogroup!
So I'm getting tantalisingly close, but still waiting for that crucial first estimate of when the ancestor I share with some Derbies in America was born.
I think we're close to some of the connections on paper, but it will be hard to get any closer. DNA is a nifty extra tool to see if I'm on the right track.
A while back I upgraded to the Big Y-700 test with FamilyTreeDNA. Problem is, it takes months for the DNA sequencing to be done, then weeks to get a broad haplogroup (most recent common ancestor a few thousand years ago), then a more precise haplogroup (more recent common ancestor), then a list of matches and an estimate of how many years ago the most recent common ancestor was born.
A new adventure begins. Y not? mito's well.
(I've had my autosomal DNA results transferred to FamilyTreeDNA for a while now, but I'd like to get the hang of Y-DNA and mtDNA matches, and with the recent sale, I decided: why not start with myself?)
Sharing RootsTech DNA-related info - a lot of it is virtual so you can attend. Here’s the schedule for FamilyTreeDNA #familytreedna #dna #GeneticGenealogy #geneadons #RootsTech #FamilySearch
#FamilyTreeDNA “20 Years an Administrator” #dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneadons #ftdna
“Take a deeper look at the most recent aDNA study from Scandinavia, and see if you’re connected to any of the ancient individuals sampled.” #dna #isogg #internationalsocietyofgeneticgenealogy #geneticgenealogy #genealogy #ftdna #geneadons
@sharnwhite @YourDNAGuide I'm no expert on DNA but I did mine on #familytreedna. Got the Y37 a few years back and then upgraded to Y111 last summer hoping I'd get a lot more results/matches. But nope, nothing. I think my understanding and expectations are lacking. Can you offer any insight? Thx!
@YourDNAGuide I’ve taken DNA tests with #Ancestry #23andme #FamilyTreeDNA #LivingDNA and #MyHeritage #genealogy #dna I can never resist a bargain at #RootsTechConf