I know @simonvarwell will be concerned about this revival...
COVID brought the mullet back. It’s one of its worst after effects
#Mullet #Haircut https://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/fashion/one-of-covid-s-worst-after-effects-is-the-mullet-epidemic-20230529-p5dc19.html
@timrichards @simonvarwell Mullets are rather prevalent in Ireland, they’ve been slowly building in popularity over the last five years or so. Seems to be two branches, the ironic hipster mullet and country farmer mullet. Was in NI a couple of weeks ago playing at an agricultural show and there were loads of the latter. I’ve started to see them make an appearance in Scotland now. Funnily enough haven’t seen a single mullet in France, Spain or Italy this year. #Mullet
@bagpie @timrichards terrifying developments.
@simonvarwell @bagpie this would be the perfect place to insert links to your books on the topic. :)
@timrichards @bagpie I am far too modest to want to shamelessly plug my books at https://www.simonvarwell.co.uk/utcwam/ and https://www.simonvarwell.co.uk/trotmh/... and in fact my website has a security thing I need to fix so there'll be a warning (but it is safe - just click through).
@simonvarwell @timrichards I recently changed web hosts to one with free SSL, seems faster too. Hostinger is the name.
@bagpie @timrichards Right, thank you. Is it easy to change? I am with 123reg and it's an extra cost, so I have a WordPress thing doing it and it's messed up and I can't seem to fix it. These things are rather beyond me and tinkering with my website really isn't a priority for me unfortunately, so the simpler the solution the better...
@simonvarwell @timrichards I have been with the same host for years, originally a small company but gradually bought over by bigger ones, now tsoHost which is owned by Paragon which is owned by GoDaddy who also own 123reg! At one point I was running quite a few sites and they were wanting a monthly fee for SSL for each domain, way too expensive. So I moved to Hostinger this year, a Lithuanian company originally, who offer free SSL with certain packages. Got a good deal in the January sales.
@simonvarwell @timrichards There was a way with my old host to activate free SSL but of course they made it very difficult and it required monthly tech stuff that I couldn’t be bothered with.
@simonvarwell @timrichards As for moving, it was pretty straight forward, there are Wordpress plugins that help. The band site was a bit more awkward as it has a gig calendar plugin with an archive going back years. That didn’t want to play ball so got a bit technical.
@bagpie thank you. Sorry, do you mean Wordpress plugins that manage a move for you?
@simonvarwell Aye. I tried one for the band website but it struggled with a couple of things so abandoned it. Turned out that the new host has a Wordpress import function which worked well so I’ve just used that. Presume other hosts have something similar.
@bagpie right. Thanks. If I move I do think I’m going to need some handholding, so will need to explore my options. I need to actually sit down with the WordPress forums and see what help I can get there. Thanks again.