I saw Andrew Legge's brilliant Second World War alternate history film "LOLA"
https://secretpandablog.wordpress.com/2023/04/10/lola-2022/ #LOLAfilm
I saw Andrew Legge's brilliant Second World War alternate history film "LOLA"
https://secretpandablog.wordpress.com/2023/04/10/lola-2022/ #LOLAfilm
I was lucky enough to catch Andrew Legge's intriguing alt-history tale, Lola, at last August's #Edinburgh International Film Festival.
It's now getting a release from Signature Entertainment from April 7th, and is highgly recommended. You can read my festival review on @PhilEdwards 's Live For Films here - https://www.liveforfilm.com/2022/08/18/eiff-2022-review-lola-a-clever-piece-of-micro-film-science-fiction/